Pesticide Action Network

terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010

Derruba a teoria de que o HIV causa AIDS

Novo Livro Endorsado na Public Choice Review

Um novo livro que questiona tudo desde a certeza e sentido dos testes de HIV até toda a hipótese viral da AIDS recebeu um gritante endorso numa crítica publicada este mês no jornal acadêmico Public Choice. Resumindo numa declaração de peso, o livro derruba metodicamente todos os argumentos e fatos maquiados que ostensivamente unem a AIDS ao HIV. Aqui está a crítica na sua íntegra:

Este é um livro importante. Em 250 cheias de fatos, intimamente arasoadas páginas de texto, Henry Bauer, professor emérito de estudos de química e ciência, um decano emérito em Arts and Science da Virginia Tech, sistematicamente derruba a teoria mais corretamente a hipótese ou conjectura de que o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS).

De acordo com a sabedoria convencional, a doença, que apareceu a primeira vez no início da década de 1980 entre as comunidades gays de São Francisco, Nova Iorque e algumas outras cidades grandes dos EUA, foi, via troca bissexual de seringas, trocando agulhas infectadas entre usuários de drogas intravenosas, e transfusões de sangue contaminados de HIV, se tornar uma epidemia em total disseminação ameaçando todos, sejam eles gays, héteros ou outros no meio. HIV/AIDS agora é uma crise de saúde pública global de dimensões alarmantes, arrasando a África Sub-Sahariana e ameaçando a dizimar a maioria do mundo em desenvolvimento, ou quase conforme a estória se desenvolve.

New Book Endorsed in Public Choice Review

A new book that questions everything from the accuracy and meaning of HIV tests to the entire viral AIDS hypothesis received a ringing endorsement in a review published this month in the academic journal Public Choice. Summing it up in one powerful statement, the book methodically undermines every argument and stylized fact ostensibly linking AIDS to HIV. Here is the review in its entirety:

This is an important book. In 250 fact-filled, closely reasoned pages of text, Henry Bauer, professor emeritus of chemistry and science studies, and dean emeritus of Arts and Sciences at Virginia Tech, systematically demolishes the theorymore correctly the hypothesis or conjecturethat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

According to conventional wisdom, that disease, which first presented in the early 1980s among the gay communities of San Francisco, New York and a few other large US cities, has, via bisexual switch-hitting, exchanges of dirty needles among intravenous drug users, and transfusions of HIV-polluted blood, become a full-blown epidemic endangering everyone, be they gay, straight, or somewhere in between. HIV/AIDS now is a global public-health crisis of alarming dimensions, ravaging Sub-Saharan Africa and threatening to decimate much of the developing world, or so the usual story goes.

Skillfully collating, summarizing and analyzing an extensive literature, including hundreds of scientific studies, published and unpublished, reports produced by government agencies and non-government organizations, and statements issued by public-health experts, Bauer methodically undermines every argument and stylized fact ostensibly linking AIDS to HIV. The epidemiological data presented in the more than 60 tables and figures scattered throughout The Origin, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory powerfully support the authors rejection of mainstream thinking.

Among the many provocative conclusions Bauer draws are that HIV/AIDS has never reached epidemic proportions in the United States (or if there was an epidemic, it peaked in 1993); HIV is not an infection and is not transmitted from person to person sexually, by the sharing of infected needles, or by contact with contaminated bodily fluids; everyone is not at risk, even if they fail to practice safe sex (pp. 4447, 197199); HIV has never been isolated in human tissues, and so what it is that HIV tests detect remains a mystery (p. 94); antiretroviral drugs may actually elevate mortality rates among non-symptomatic HIV-positive patients (p. 130); and, perhaps what is most important, no proof that HIV causes AIDS has ever been published (p. 104).

Author: W.F. Shughart II, Department of Economics, University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677, USA e-mail: shughart@olemiss.eduAIDS

For more information on Dr. Henry Bauer, his book and findings on HIV and AIDS claims, please visit

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